Ceniza humana incinerada

Qué hacer con las cenizas humanas incineradas


"La muerte no es la mayor pérdida en la vida. La mayor pérdida es lo que muere dentro de nosotros mientras vivimos". Esto lo mencionó el periodista político y defensor de la paz estadounidense Norman Cousins, y es algo con lo que pueden identificarse las personas que han perdido a sus seres queridos.El proceso de duelo es una experiencia realmente angustiosa. La gente suele luchar por seguir adelante y acostumbrarse a no tener a sus seres queridos con ellos. Algunos asisten a sesiones de asesoramiento y terapia sobre el duelo, mientras que otros prefieren simplemente hablar con otros familiares y amigos sobre el dolor que sienten. También hay algunos que no quieren abordar el tema y optan por hacer el duelo en silencio, mientras que otros viajan a los lugares a los que una vez fueron con un ser querido fallecido. Realmente hay muchas formas de afrontar la pérdida de un ser querido, y esto es algo que debe fomentarse para iniciar el camino de la curación.

Los costes de los funerales se dispararán en 2020.


La pérdida de nuestros familiares más queridos suele conllevar la organización de un funeral. Desgraciadamente, los costes de los funerales siguen aumentando, e incluso se prevé que alcancen una media de más de 11.000 dólares en 2020. Por eso se aconseja contratar un plan funerario, ya que puede ayudar a sufragar los gastos del funeral. No queremos que nuestros familiares se preocupen por estos gastos durante el luto.

Los menores costes de cremación los hacen más favorables que los servicios de entierro.


Los servicios funerarios pueden ser de entierro o de incineración. Aunque el entierro es una opción más tradicional y se ha utilizado durante miles de años, las tasas de cremación han aumentado constantemente. De hecho, las tasas de cremación han superado a las de entierro en los Estados Unidos a partir de 2015. El 47,9% de los estadounidenses incineraron a sus seres queridos, frente al 45,2% que los enterraron. Los costes de cremación son generalmente más baratos, y nuestra sociedad actual es mucho más móvil que la sociedad del pasado. Cada vez hay más personas que trabajan fuera de casa, o que incluso trabajan de un lugar a otro. Además, es más cómodo hacer que se transporte una urna a la ciudad natal del difunto en lugar de un ataúd. La Iglesia católica también ha adoptado la práctica de la cremación, junto con otras religiones.Sin embargo, otra pregunta surge en la mente de las personas una vez que el difunto es cremado. ¿Qué podemos hacer con las cenizas de nuestros seres queridos? ¿Queremos hacer algo a lo que estamos acostumbrados o preferimos tener una forma más singular de presentar nuestros respetos a ellos? Hay varias ideas que se utilizan hoy en día.

¿Cómo podemos honrarlos después de la cremación?


La forma más básica sería el almacenamiento de las cenizas humanas. Estas cenizas pueden colocarse en una urna de cremación o en cualquier recipiente y enterrarse, mientras que algunos prefieren almacenar la urna en un columbario. Esto puede depender de las creencias religiosas y las costumbres de la familia. For example, the renowned English poet and novelist Rudyard Kipling has his cremated ashes buried in the Poets’ Corner at Westminster Abbey. Nevertheless, other families keep the cremation urn containing the ashes in their own homes. They want to have the memories shared with departed family members close to them.

Disposing of the ashes is also another practice done by family members. They would scatter the ashes in a place that means so much to them. The ashes can be scattered in a favorite garden, a picnic hang-out, or a place near their home. Famous personalities have done this custom. In fact, the ‘Gone with the Wind’ actress Vivien Leigh’s ashes were scattered on a pond at Tickerage Mill, her country home in Sussex, United Kingdom. Still, the permission of the land owner/s will be necessary if the ashes will be scattered in a private property. If you plan to do it in a public property, there needs to be consent from the local government in the area.

Furthermore, disposing of ashes can be done from an airplane, depending on the deceased’s favorite place. However, federal law states that dropping objects which can injure people and harm property is not allowed. To avoid violating the law, you can coordinate with the designated agency handling these types of situations. Other family members go mountain climbing and cast the ashes away once they reach the peak. Some would even travel to sacred places or popular landmarks. The Beatles’ lead guitarist George Harrison had his ashes scattered in the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in India in 2001.

It is important to ask the permission of the local authorities since some public places (such as beaches and parks) do not allow the scattering of ashes. Others allow it only upon securing permits that will enable the casting of ashes. You may even need to seek approval from agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Aviation Agency (FAA), and your state or County Health Department. You can check both state laws and federal laws regarding the matter to avoid conflicts and penalties. Another manner of disposing the ashes is through sending them off to space. There are companies that will charge around $4,000+ up to $12,000+ for an out-of-this-world tribute.

Unconventional ideas


There are a number of creative ways that people can do with the ashes of their loved ones. The ashes can be turned into a beautiful work of art by mixing the ashes with paint. The painting can be a portrait of the deceased, an idyllic landscape, or abstract art. The choice is left to the family members. They can have the ashes mixed with ink to be used for a tattoo as well. When doing this procedure, make sure that the tattoo artist is qualified to do this to avoid unsanitary practices and health complications.

Pressing the ashes into a vinyl record is another alternative for music enthusiasts. You can either choose the songs that will be included in the record, write your own songs (or ask someone to write for you), or make voice messages dedicated to the deceased. You can also customize the artwork included in the vinyl record. Some have been taken to keeping ashes in an hourglass. It may not be an accurate way of telling time, but it can mean that you treasure every single moment with that person and that you always remember the times you spent together.

For nature-loving people, they can either have the ashes transformed into a tree or a concrete reef. Transforming the ashes into a tree can be done by placing them in special urns. The soil will be placed above the ashes, and the seed of choice will be planted in there. On the other hand, turning the ashes into a reef can be extremely helpful to sea animals since it provides them a habitat. The ashes will be mixed with concrete and can be personalized by family members and friends left behind.

Another touching way of celebrating the life of our loved ones is through turning their ashes into diamonds. These are also called cremation diamonds or memorial diamonds. Transforming their ashes to diamonds is an exceptional way of paying tribute to them and is something that can be passed on to children and other relatives. It can effectively combine style and sentimental value.

Making diamonds from ashes.


Here at EverDear™ & Co., we understand that the grieving process does not end with the cremation of our loved one’s body. The journey to healing takes time, and we believe that changing ashes to diamonds is a fitting dedication to them. We can ensure that the ashes are handled properly and respectfully. Only 100 grams of ashes or 2 grams of hair are required to make a cremation diamond. Alternatively, you can also include your own lock of hair to the ashes of your loved one to make the memorial diamond more special. We want the creation of diamonds from ashes to become something meaningful and will help in coping with your loss.

Our memorial diamonds can be personalized depending on your desired color and number of carats. We allow you the opportunity to choose a design that will best remind you of your loved one. The process of turning ashes to diamonds involves refining the carbon found in ashes, subjecting the ashes to high pressure and high temperature (HPHT), cutting the cremation diamonds, and polishing them.

EverDear™ & Co.’s cremation diamonds are no different from diamonds mined at the Earth’s surface. The only difference is the source of carbon (deceased’s remains) and the time it takes to make the cremation diamond. A natural diamond takes billions of years to form while the creation of EverDear™’s memorial diamonds only takes approximately 5 to 9 months. Our cremation diamonds cost less than natural diamonds because there are fewer resources needed to make them.

To guarantee authenticity, our diamonds from ashes can be certified by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) and the International Gemological Institute (IGI). Changing ashes into diamonds is as genuine as any natural diamond.

EverDear & Co. cremation jewelry


Wearing jewelry dates back to prehistoric times. They are worn for various reasons – as a form of expression, a symbol of belongingness to a person, or an affiliation to a particular organization. Additionally, adorning jewelry is a way of attracting someone’s attention. Jewelry can signify wealth, power, and social status too. People also like to know what their birthstone is, and believe that owning their designated birthstone will bring them happiness and good fortune.

As luck would have it, EverDear™ & Co.’s cremation diamonds can also be mounted into cremation jewelry. Whether you want a cremation ring, pendant, a pair of earrings, or a bracelet, EverDear™ has all your needs covered. We take pride in offering a thousand jewelry designs to choose from. Your memorial jewelry can be customized so that it will be as distinctive as your beloved’s personality.

Wearing memorial jewelry can be a beautiful reminder of all the wonderful experiences you shared with your loved one. We are dedicated to reliving the memories you shared with them and encapsulating them into a brilliant piece of cremation jewelry.

Eternalize our most treasured memories


Mourning does not take place in just a matter of days. Sometimes, weeks, months, or even years are not enough to get over the sorrowful event of losing a beloved.

Turning their ashes into diamonds is a moving gesture because it allows them to be transformed into precious, resilient stones. Wearing EverDear™ & Co.’s memorial jewelry is a spectacular way of filling in the void left by your loved one. You can wear your cremation pendant on a simple day when you just want to quietly reminisce by your bedroom window, or wear your cremation earrings as you celebrate your birthday. With EverDear™ & Co., you can be in the presence of your loved one anytime, wherever you go.


El proceso de duelo


Perros De Cremación De Perros: Una Forma Notable De Honrar A Nuestros Perros